Sunday, 19 January 2014

Day 14 - Yoga Studies Tour 2014

Unexpectedly I have managed to get today's blog post out - the WiFi connection here at the Jeevons Hotel in Kovulum, near Trivanthaporum, is poor at best. The day was dominated by the train journey from Cochin.

After a yoga class at the hotel at 6.30 a.m. and a quick breakfast I walked around Cochin on my own for nearly 90 minutes, which provided lots of interesting pictures, plus my first injury - a huge blister on my heel.

We left Cochin from their 'Town' station which is reached via a narrow alley found by those initiated in such secrets behind the back of a petrol station. I had a quick lunch purchased from a stall at the station - vegetable samosa, some sort of potato fritter, a nut bar, water, and a small ball made of gingilly seeds - delicious - and the total cost was 45 pence.

Near the food stall was a team of 3 nurses (honest, there were three) waiting to give free polio vaccinations to children.

The train journey itself was 5 hours long, late, and largely uneventful except for the constant stream of food available to buy from young men plying their wares along the corridor. There wasn't much to be seen through the windows, which were very dirty, but we could see a bit by standing at the end of the carriage where both doors were left open to feel the breeze. No health and safety police in sight!

The hotel can only be reached by walking the last half mile down a lane which leads to a promenade filled with shops of all kind just 50 yards from the beach so we listened to the waves break as we ate our meal. Mine was nataranjah korma, vegetable rice and kulcha naan,

I'll get this posted now as the WiFi is erratic!


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